Thursday, 21 June 2007

Many Dead things

I just came across an interesting blog - many dead things. The author is a self-confessed steampunk fan and says that he is into "illustrating, concocting and generally fabricating your darkest and deepest desires, be those four headed foetus's or artwork for your various needs.My current projects include various pseudo historical and scientific collections, "history that never was" type affairs..."

What drew my attention was a post about Lovecraftian horrors in specimen jars. Lovecraft's work has tended to take on a life of its own - especially his fictional book, The Necronomicon. Although the book is a fictional creation, some readers have come to believe that it is real, some people have playfully or maliciously produced hoaxes and some "anti-occult" activists appear to believe that the book is real. Wikipedia gives a reasonable account of this "blurring of fact and fiction".

Lovecraftiana appears to be to a prime candidate for Forteana 2.0 in that there is enough interest out there for people to play with the notion (e.g. try this delicious tag for necronomicon - check out the Necronomicon plush pillow) and there is enough information out there that an incautious observer might assume the simple truth. There are already plenty of 'real' Necronomicons out there and I suspect that there are no lack of virtual ones too. It would be good to determine if there is a name for this deliberate recreation of fiction as the real.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Michael Pennington (Deceased)

I recently came across a forum post about a 'ghost' called Michael Pennington who appeared to haunt the local forums of, which was then adapted into a book.

Find out more here - Michael Pennington at There is a caution on the site that, whatever we believe, we should treat this story as fiction - I don't know if that's meant to stop us getting scared or to stop them getting sued!

I think most of the original forum posts have now disappeared (I did a search on the Birminghamuk forums), but it there is still some discussion of it on there...

Check out the Amazon link on there too for one of the worst book reviews you'll ever read.

More Electronic Ghosts...

I just discovered this on YouTube...

I think it's related to Epic 2014, or seems to be, as there's a link to it on the YouTube page (although under a different name). The idea that we might eventually evolve to a post-human electronic avatar is obviously one which crops up often in fiction, but I like here that it relates directly to the search engines, softwares and MMORPG's we use today.

I thought there was something interesting and Forteana 2.0 in there relating to the evolution of online 'souls', and I noticed in the comments that someone had made reference to an Anime called 'Serial Experiments Lain', as Brett did in the recent comment on Electronic Ghosts.

In Channel 4's Second Lives series last year, Steve Millar spoke about the idea that after his death, his 'data' may one day be able to be uploaded to Second Life to continue living - Steve Millar on Channel 4

Here's a link to Serial Experiments Lain on Wikipedia. It looks really interesting and I'm going to check it out more.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Interghost Connection

From 'A blog around the clock';

The Interghost Connection

Interesting article which compares social networking to the Ghost Hook-Up, pioneered by The Three Investigators!

Electronic Ghosts

I don't know what to make of this, but it piques my fortean interest;

From Animated Trigger;

"I’ve heard about these “ghosts,” coded information sent through an electronic source that can turn into a physical apparition. The science behind it is baffling, and I wish I had never even tried to figure them out, because the more I read, the more I saw, the less sense it made. Some say the government made them, some say it’s extraterrestrials, and some say it’s the Illuminati. The most interesting idea was that they’re people who were struck by lightning and killed, literal ghosts."

One Hacker's Paranioa

It sounds like a sci-fi idea to me, but I wonder if anyone else has heard anything similar?

Ghosts of Facebook

Chris alluded to this on his his earlier comments (see the Browser as Scrying Tool post), the 'ghosts' of the dead still haunting the pages of MySpace, Facebook etc.

Ghosts on the Internet, from College Dispatch.

Electronic Death Ratttle from TheRimy's Blog.

The Wired and the Dead, from Drewspeak.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Mobile Phone Ghost Detector


Find Ghosts with your Mobile

Most Haunted have launched a tool for ghost detedting on your mobile!

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Mr.Bungle and Virtual Voodoo

Julian Dibbell's 1993 Village Voice article A Rape in Cyberspace is I think a great example of Forteana 2.0.

Describing a 'rape' which took place in LambdaMOO, it is strange, spooky and, if I asked in the previous post if a remote experience can be as involving and immersive as a real world one, this story would seem to prove that it definitely can.

Featuring elements of posession, 'voodoo', a malevolent spirit somewhere between Freddie Krueger and Pennywise the Clown, wizards, and even Bewitched's Dr. Bombay, it is a genuine piece of cyber-gothic.

An interesting development from this original article is the idea that people visit the actual room online - a kind of virtual ghost walk. From Wikipedia:

creative writing instructor Cynthia Brantley Johnson of the University of Texas writes that after a discussion of the Dibbell article and Sherry Turkle's book Life on the Screen, which also mentions LambdaMOO, she has her classes log on to LambdaMOO en masse and congregate "in the 'room' where the virtual rape occurred" before sending them off to explore on their own.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Paranormal Underworld

Just found this link to a virtual (or at least live cam) ghost hunt -

Paranormal Underworld

The collaborative software element looks interesting - I wonder if it's possible through a remote window to build up the tension, intimacy and fear that a live seance/ouija board/ghost stories round a campfire does. I guess if not, might it be considered a more effective (at least from a skeptic/scientific analysis point of view) form of investigation as it doesn't offer the same opportunity for (however unwitting) collusion - the kind that we see between the team on Most Haunted? Or, at the very least, the elements are recorded, so evidences can be analysed later objectively.

I can imagine Derek Acorah typing in furiously -

Derek says: "Uhh! Uhh! I'm a little witchy!!!!"

Derek says: "Ooh, what happened? I think I just got possessed"

Sam says: " :-( "

Derek says: "Thank you Sam"

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Haunted Media Archive

The site gallery organised a Symposium and group exhibition around Jeffery Sconce's Haunted Media in 2004;

Haunted Media Exhibition Archive

Sadly, the individual works in the show aren't shown here, but are described. More sad is the broken link to the Symposium website...

If anyone saw the show or went to the Symposium, please get in touch, it would be great to find out more.

Browser as scrying tool?

One of the areas I've been particularly interested in when thinking about Forteana 2.0, is the idea that the Internet is haunted, and that the clients we use, our browsers, IM softwares, IRC clients etc., might be thought of as crystal balls, or Ouija boards.

It's the sense of the 'over there' which brings to life the idea of the internet as a digital afterlife, a space filled with disembodied voices, presence and memory.

It's an idea picked up on by Jeffrey Sconce in his book 'Haunted Media', and one which I wrote about in Digital Me, an MA project I recently completed.

While the notion is metaphorical, I think the increasing use of technology in Paranormal investigation inevitably leads us to the idea of scrying online, an idea which is increasingly developed through popular culture - through films like The Ring, Phone, and more directly Internet related, Pulse.

An early example of computer scrying is The Vertical Plane by Ken Webster. Now out of print, it describes communications between Webster and a character called 'Tomas', seemingly sharing the same space across a divide of hundreds of years... Like some godawful movie with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, but with computers.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Forteana 2.0

Charles Fort would have loved the internet. It has, throughout its history, been a breeding ground for weird science, conspiracy theories, mass panics, 'pseudo' science, hauntings and even viral crypto-zoology. On a wider level, the very nature of the internet, through collective intelligence, collaboration and user generated tagging is decidedly Fortean.

I was inspired to start this blog by this post - Abominable Snowman 2.0 - by Bruce Mason on the Production and Research in Transliteracy blog, and the discussion that followed. It seemed to me that it might be worthwhile to gather evidence and ideas relating to the Fortean internet, a virtual Cabinet of Curiosities.

Please feel free to send me examples of any internet Forteana you find, and I'll post them here!

Find out more about Fort here, at the Fortean Institute;
